St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary celebrated a milestone event on February 4th 2020. Bishop Terry Brady celebrated the 90th anniversary mass of the school with delighted students, staff, families and parishioners. The church was brimming with people and Bishop Terry’s homily resonated well with all who attended mass.
Many former staff attended most notably Sr Patty who was Principal of the school from 1975-80 and Sr Venera, the last religious principal of the school from 1980-86. Mr Gerry McInerney who was the first lay principal of the school (1986-95) also attended with his wife Mary who taught at the school for over 25 years.
The mass was a beautiful celebration of all that is good in Catholic education with the school’s band and choir ensuring the music was excellent. The celebration was followed
by a scrumptious morning tea in the hall where Jayden and Alexandra (Year 3 students) performed keyboard and violin for visitors.
The celebration was a fusion of past and present and very much encapsulated the Ursuline charism which has been at the forefront of school life since its inception in 1930.
Look out for more events to celebrate the 90th anniversary throughout 2020.